10 Places To Hide Roomba Robot Vacuum [Roomba Storage]

We all love our robot vacuums, but they can be a little unsightly in our homes.

The good news is that there are several hiding places to put your Roomba and other robot vacuums. Some of these storage ideas are obvious, but there are a few we think are just great options that many people don’t know about.

We’ll go over all the places you can put your Roomba along with tips to make sure they still work in those areas too!

1. Hide‘n Sweep

Probably the coolest idea for hiding a robot vacuum is the Hide‘n Sweep, or as some call it, a robot vacuum garage.

It’s a simple design that hides your robot vacuum, and you can put things on top of it like pants.

If your robot vacuum has to be out in the open, this is the best option around.

2. DIY – Cheap Hidden Storage

You can easily build your own robot vacuum storage shelf that hides the bot and gives you the vertical space back.

I go into great detail in this DIY build that almost anyone can do, and it’s quite affordable too!

3. Under Your Bed

The most overlooked area to hide a Roomba will be under your bed.

This will require you to have room under your bed and the bed frame to be high enough, but it is a great option for many.

What’s great about keeping the robot vacuum under your bed is that you can set many to start running at a certain time. So, you could use your robot vacuum as an alarm clock or in addition to your alarm clock. With the robot vacuum bouncing around under the bed, the shaking of the bed could be just what you need to get you moving in the morning.

4. Free Standing Floor Mirror

If you have a freestanding floor mirror, or looking to get a freestanding floor mirror (Amazon Link Ad) for your bedroom, it can be a great place to store your robot vacuum.

You need one with at least 4 inches of ground clearance.

5. Nightstands

Just like the freestanding floor mirrors, you can also get night stands with plenty of ground clearance, so you can keep your robot vacuum under.

End tables in the living room will also work if they’re near a power outlet.

6. Beneath Your Cabinets

If you have the skills, you can make a Roomba sized hole in the bottom of your cabinets. As demonstrated by the picture above, there is plenty of height for the Roomba to go under.

Just need to be careful or seek professional help if you go this route to make sure you don’t damage your cabinets or floors.

If your cabinets are like mine in the picture above, you could even make a custom garage for your Roomba on the left side where they end.

7. Out In The Open

I’ll gladly admit I keep my robot vacuum in the middle of the living room.

I even clean up the cables and have a Command Hook (Amazon Link Ad) to keep it up and out of the robot vacuum’s way.

Maybe I’m odd for doing so, but I feel the stigma is going away, especially since these things look better than other items in your home. Since I named the thing, it just feels odd to hide it from guests; it’s like hiding the family pet.

8. TV Stand

There are plenty of TV stands to pick from that have at least 4 inches of ground clearance for your robot vacuum to go under.

Along with there being plenty of other things needing to be plugged in, it’s a great place to hide your robot vacuum.

9. In The Closet

The closet is not the most ideal spot, as there is not always a power outlet for the base charging station, but it does get the robot vacuum out of the way.

If you do keep your robot vacuum in the closet, you need to have one that navigates by LiDAR or cameras and not randomly. Going home to the closet can be hard for the random robot vacuums, as they can’t always find the flashing beacon on top of most base stations.

10. In The Mud Room

The mud room is the place where you keep your shoes and is next to a door to the outside. You take off your shoes here before going into the rest of the home, so the area tends to be a dirtier.

Keeping your robot vacuum in the mud room is a great place for it, as that is where you want it to start and spend the most time cleaning.

And let’s be honest, if any place will be dirty and crazy it’s the mud room, so seeing a robot vacuum there is not crazy.



Hello, I'm Lee from "ThemVacuums.com"! Launched in 2016, my site addresses the online information gap about "robot vacuums" and "vacuum cleaners," areas where I have hands-on experience. Got questions about a post or topic? Feel free to comment or contact me (contact)!

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