The Truth About Vacuuming Spiders: Survival or Death

Were you aware that the majority of spiders tend to survive being sucked up by a vacuum cleaner? Whether it’s a Dyson, Hoover, or even a bagless model, there’s a high likelihood that the spider will survive the encounter.

So, what do you do?

Well, you should still suck them up. Even though it doesn’t kill them right away, it’s a good first step to take. We have some helpful tips below on what you should do next and even show you a video of someone sucking up a spider with their vacuum cleaner.

How To Suck Up Spiders With A Vacuum Cleaner

Here are the steps to safely and effectively suck up a spider into a vacuum cleaner, along with some precautions to consider:

  1. Identify the spider: Before attempting to remove the spider, try to determine its species. Some spiders, like venomous ones, require professional handling. If you’re unsure or uncomfortable, it’s best to seek assistance.
  2. Create a barrier (optional): If you’re concerned about the spider escaping, you can create a barrier around it using a cup, Tupperware, or any other suitable container. This step can be helpful, especially if the spider is on a wall or ceiling.
  3. Position the vacuum cleaner: Position the vacuum cleaner nozzle or attachment near the spider without touching it.
  4. Turn it on: Turn on the vacuum cleaner and suck up the spider.
  5. Direct the spider into the vacuum: Use the nozzle or attachment to guide the spider toward the vacuum cleaner. Be patient and try to guide the spider gently into the suction area without causing harm.
  6. Monitor the spider’s capture: Keep an eye on the spider as it is being sucked into the vacuum cleaner. Make sure it is successfully captured and doesn’t escape during the process.
  7. Take the vacuum outside: Leave the vacuum cleaner outside and somewhere the weather won’t get to it. The vacuum cleaner may not kill the spider, and if it wants to get free, it can and do so outside your home.

Precautions to consider:

  • Avoid direct contact: It’s generally advisable to avoid direct contact with spiders, especially if you are uncertain about their species or potential harm they may cause.
  • Safety first: If you’re allergic to spider bites or have any health concerns, it’s recommended to let a professional handle the situation.
  • Empty the vacuum carefully: After capturing the spider, exercise caution when emptying the vacuum cleaner, especially after letting it sit outside.
  • Cheap vacuum cleaners: Cheaper vacuum cleaners are bad about having good seals, and the spider may get out a lot more easily compared to more expensive sealed vacuum cleaners.

Remember, it’s always best to prioritize your safety and comfort level when dealing with spiders.

Release Outside

After capture, it is possible for the spider to survive for some time inside the vacuum cleaner canister, possibly finding other small creatures to feed on. However, typically, if you wait for about a week, the spider will perish.

To handle the situation responsibly, it is advisable to ensure that the canister is clean before sucking up the spider. Once you have successfully captured it, it is best to take the spider outside, preferably in a wooded area, and release it back into its natural habitat.

It is worth noting that many researchers use vacuum cleaners or leaf blowers as tools to collect spider specimens. However, they typically modify these devices to minimize harm to the spiders during the collection process.

The Best Way To Get Rid Of Spiders

Using a vacuum cleaner to suck up a spider is not a permanent solution, you will need some effective bug sprays made for removing spiders (Amazon Link Ad).

You can also pay professionals to spray in and outside your home to keep spiders and other bugs out.

Keep in mind, when you have spiders you have other bugs as that is what the spiders eat. The spiders can be helpful, but they also tell you that you have more than a spider problem.


If you are uncertain about the type of spider present in your home, it is best to assume it may be poisonous. Species such as black widows, brown recluse spiders, and others can pose a danger.

It is crucial to avoid vacuuming up any chemicals, including spider sprays or other substances. These chemicals can be flammable and may react dangerously, potentially causing severe harm or injury.

When dealing with chemicals, spiders, and vacuum cleaners, it is essential to use common sense and exercise caution. If you lack experience or knowledge in handling these situations, it is advisable to seek the assistance of a professional. Additionally, vacuuming items that are not meant to be vacuumed can potentially void your vacuum cleaner’s warranty.

Remember to prioritize your safety and be mindful of potential risks associated with handling spiders and chemicals in your home.



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